Sunday, October 27, 2013

Tasty Peach Studios Zombie Alpaca Review

Sorry I've been gone for so long! School has definitely taken a hold of me. Luckily I have some reviews that need to be shared. I'll start with one of my favorite shops again: Tasty Peach Studios! After waiting for months, their special black and lavender zombie alpacas finally shipped! I ordered my black one first and only a few days after it shipped it arrived at my house! The price for these cute little things weren't too expensive: $30 USD, plus 5 dollars shipping.

It came in a secure package, which makes sure your alpaca has a safe trip.

This is the giant bundle that comes in it. You of course get the alpaca that you ordered and another goodie! Every time a customer spends over $30 USD they can have a free lanyard of their choice, which is a great deal. Even their card that comes along with it is super cute!

Here is a close up of the alpaca. You can see his fur, and it is super, super soft! The Tasty Peach Alpacas are smaller than the Arpakasso alpacas, which makes them even cuter.

Even though he is adorable you guys might notice something wrong with him. If you guys look up at the above picture you may notice that his eye is facing a different way...

That's not normal.

As soon as I noticed that my alpaca had an upside down I contacted Tasty Peach. I explained what was wrong and wanted to know if I could have another alpaca. After I showed them a picture they told me that I could keep my alpaca and they would send another one for free! How nice is that? What is even better is that they sent my fixed alpaca in the same package as my previously ordered green alpaca.

They both came in this package. The package is a lot fuller looking than the last one, but both alpacas managed to fit in it.

The green alpaca was perfect and so was the new black one. They are both soft and completely huggable.

This package of alpacas came with a free onigiri necklace. I didn't even ask for it. It shows how much that Tasty Peach Studio cares about their customers.

Overall, the Tasty Peach Zombie Alpacas were a great buy! Decent price, fast shipping, and best of all, wonderful customer service. I love this shop and I plan to buy their next plush items soon. Another positive review will surly follow!

Rating for Tasty Peach Studios Zombie Alpacas: 5 out of 5

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